Monday, 15 October 2012

Back to Boogazine!

So, I was recently asked to produce a proposal form for my tutor so that he could get an idea of my chosen topic and what it is that i will write about. Here is my proposal;


DD3000 Design Futures – BA(Hons) Interior Design

Boogazine Draft Proposal                                          Name Amy Caine

 1.   Initial Topic and Object of Study

Looking at aspects of psychology in design
2. Title      

How is psychology related to design?
3.       Research Question

How is psychology related to design?

4.       Aims of the Boogazine

Looking at areas such as association and the subconscious and how the likes of colours and themes play a part in how we remember things and make assumptions on others. Looking into human needs and what it is that makes us want things or like particular things, empathy and attachment with objects.

5.    History/Background of the Subject

Psychology, whether we know it or not has always played a part in design. There has always been a reason for us to prefer a certain style or look. There has to be a reason why a certain colour or material is appropriate for a certain setting or place. And it is also the reason why  market researchers know exactly how to target their customers. Our memories are formed by our experiences of the designs of others. We then use these experiences to familiarise and to form our own opinions.

6.      Initial Bibliography/Webography

Books-How designers think: the design process demystified, Theory of Semiotics, Emotionally durable design: Objects, experiences and empathy, Idea of design, Manufactured pleasures: psychological responses to design. Web pages- - Design Meets Psychology: Putting Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to Work - deception by design - Common Psychological Associations of Colours: What They Say About You - Design Psychology - Susan Lee Painter, PhD. Design Psychologist.
My tutor's reply was that even though the subject sounded interesting, it was too broad, and that i should focus on something more specific. for example, how this idea relates to a person or a building.

Initially, I have NO thoughts. I'm struggling to refine my subject. However, after flicking through a copy of Blueprint it has got me thinking.....


The psychology behind Hotel Droog- How it defies all laws of a 'hotel' and why.

The psychology behind the work of Antoni Gaudi

What makes a home? - how we define ourselves with the things we use and possess

a good website for the psychology behind architecture -

I still don't feel these ideas are strong enough! time to ask my tutor... again!

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